Retired Courses

The following table provides a list of courses previously offered by Monkey Credits. These courses were retired at the end of the 2023 calendar year. The table includes the number of credit hours offered by each course.

Course AIC CSF *FP Canada IAFE - The Institute ICM ICS **IIROC IQPF ***MFDA
2023 Professional Responsibility 2.0 Life x 2.0 PR 2.0 (ethics) x 2.0 (1.0 ethics) x x 2.0 BC - Ethics
Eligible Funeral Arrangements 1.0 Life x 1.5 FP 1.5 x 1.0 0.75 PD x 1.5 PD
Federal Benefit Plans: OAS, CPP, & EI 3.0 Life 3.0 A&S x 5.0 FP 5.0 x 3.0 3.0 PD x 5.0 PD
Investing as a Function of the Economic Cycle 2.0 Life x 3.0 FP 3.0 x 2.0 1.5 PD x 3.0 PD
Machine Learning x x 3.0 FP 3.0 x x 3.0 PD x 3.0 PD
Mastering Reverse Mortgages x x 1.5 FP 1.5 x 1.5 0.75 PD x 1.5 PD
Mastering Your Financial Calculator x x 3.0 FP 3.0 x x 1.0 PD x 3.0 PD
MFDA Ethics Course x x 1.0 FP 1.0 (ethics related) x x x x 1.0 BC - Other
Options: Introduction, Understanding, & Strategizing x x 2.5 FP x x x 2.0 PD x 2.5 PD
Pension Plans and Their Intricacies 3.0 Life x 4.0 FP 4.0 x 3.0 3.0 PD x 4.0 PD
Registered Disability Savings Plans (RDSPs) Explained 3.0 Life x 4.0 FP 4.0 x 3.0 2.0 PD x 4.0 PD
Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs) - An Explanation 2.0 Life x 3.5 FP 4.0 x 2.0 2.5 PD x 3.5 PD
Registered Plans: The Specifics of RSP and TFSA Plans 2.0 Life x 3.0 FP 3.0 x 2.0 2.0 PD x 3.0 PD
Social Media for Financial Professionals x 1.0 C 1.5 FP 1.5 (1.0 ethics) x x x 1.0 SC 1.5 BC - Other
Taxation of Investments 2.0 Life x 3.0 FP 3.0 x 3.0 2.0 PD x 3.0 PD

*FP Canada has four separate categories. "PR" stands for Professional Responsibility, and "FP" stands for Financial Planning. 

**IIROC has two categories. "PD" stands for Professional Development, and "C" stands for Compliance.

***MFDA has two categories. "PD" stands for Professional Development, and "BC" stands for Business Conduct. BC credits can be ethics related or non-ethics related (other).

CSF and IQPF have multiple categories. "C" stands for Compliance/Conformité, and "SC" stands for Ethics & Business Conduct. In french, SC is "NP" and stands for conformité aux normes, d'éthiques et de pratique professionnelle.

To learn more about CE requirements, please click here to be redirected.


The following table provides a list of courses previously offered by Monkey Credits. These courses were retired before 2023. The table includes the number of credit hours offered by each course.

Course AIC CSF *FP Canada IAFE - The Institute ICM ICS **IIROC IQPF ***MFDA
2018 Professional Responsibility x x 2.0 PR x x x x x x
2019 Professional Responsibility x x 2.0 PR x x x x x x
2020 Professional Responsibility x x 2.0 PR 2.0 (ethics) x 2.0 (ethics) x x x
2021 Professional Responsibility x x 2.0 PR 2.0 (ethics) x 2.0 (ethics) x x x
2022 Professional Responsibility x x 2.0 PR 2.0 (1.0 ethics) x 2.0 (1.0 ethics) x x 1.0 BC - Other
CCA: Mastering a Difficult Topic x x 2.5 FP x x x 2.0 PD x x
Elmer's Approach to Investing 10.0 Life x 15.0 FP 15.0 x x 8.0 PD x x
How Much is Enough x x 3.0 FP x x x x x x
Investing in the Legal Marijuana Industry x x 2.5 FP x x x 1.75 PD x x
Knowledge Update: The 2019 Federal Budget x x 1.5 FP x x x x x x
What is a SPAC? x x 0.5 FP x x x 0.5 PD x x

*FP Canada has four separate categories. "PR" stands for Professional Responsibility, and "FP" stands for Financial Planning. 

**IIROC has two categories. "PD" stands for Professional Development, and "C" stands for Compliance.

***MFDA has two categories. "PD" stands for Professional Development, and "BC" stands for Business Conduct. BC credits can be ethics related or non-ethics related (other).

To learn more about CE requirements, please click here to be redirected.

This page was last updated: January 2024.