Maximizing Investment Returns
The course Maximizing Investment Returns covers the different types of investment returns available to investors and how they're treated for tax purposes. We cover the rules and calculations that relate to the taxation of interest income, dividend income, and capital gains.
In addition, we touch on the various methods of calculating returns and the introduction of the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) which is quickly becoming the industry standard.
To receive continuing education (CE) credits, you need to receive a mark of 6 out of 10 or higher on the final quiz. This course qualifies for the following CE credit hours:
Governing Body | Credit Hours | Category |
AIC | 3.0 | Life Insurance only |
CSF | 3.0 | Mutual Funds / Épargne Collective |
FP Canada | 3.0 | Financial Planning |
IAFE - The Institute | 3.0 | n/a |
ICM | 3.0 | Life/A&S |
ICS | 3.0 | n/a |
IDD (CIRO) | 3.0 | Professional Development |
Institut de Pl. Fin. | 3.0 | SFPA / PDOM |
MFD (CIRO) | 3.0 | Professional Development |
This course may also qualify for CPA credit hours. More information about continuing education requirements is available here.