Renting vs. Buying

Sale price$59.95

Deciding whether to rent or buy a home is one of the most significant financial choices individuals will face. The course Renting vs. Buying is designed for financial professionals who provide a comprehensive analysis of the key factors that influence this decision.

You'll explore the financial implications through in-depth discussions and practical examples, including the cost comparisons, long-term wealth accumulation, and the impact on retirement planning. You will learn to assess the advantages and disadvantages of renting versus buying, considering factors like liquidity, investment opportunities, market risk, and personal circumstances.

To receive continuing education (CE) credits for this course, you need to obtain a mark of 8 out of 12 or higher on the quiz. This course qualifies for the following CE credit hours:

Governing Body Credit Hours Category
AIC 4.0 Life only
FP Canada 4.0 Financial Planning
IAFE - The Institute 4.0 n/a
ICM 4.0 Life/A&S
ICS 1.0 Life/A&S
IDD (CIRO) 4.0 Professional Development
MFD (CIRO) 4.0 Professional Development