Comparing Registered Plans

Prix de vente$59.95

The course Comparing Registered Plans covers the numerous attributes of Retirement Savings Plans (RSP), Retirement Income Funds (RIF), Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSA), and the First-Home Savings Account (FHSA). 

In addition to covering each plan type, we also compare and contrast the differences between them in an effort to determine what is most optimal for each client.

A side-to-side comparison is made between TFSA and RSP plans (including calculations).

To receive continuing education (CE) credits, you need to receive a mark of 8 out of 12 or higher on the final quiz. This course qualifies for the following CE credit hours:

Governing Body Credit Hours Category
AIC 4.0 Life Insurance only
CSF 4.0 Mutual Funds / Épargne Collective
FP Canada 4.0 Financial Planning
IAFE - The Institute 4.0 n/a
ICM 4.0 Life/A&S
ICS 4.0 n/a
IDD (CIRO) 4.0 Professional Development
Institut de Pl. Fin. 4.0 SFPA / PDOM
MFD (CIRO) 4.0 Professional Development

This course may also qualify for CPA credit hours. More information about continuing education requirements is available here.